Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

I slept through all the fireworks (although I woke up soon afterwards to eat!) but Mom took some photos to show me later. Happy and healthy 2010 to everyone!

Video Diary - Week 12

12 Weeks Old Today!!!

The 'I need a vacation' onesie makes it's last appearance - goodbye onesie! I'm getting too big!

On the playmat...

in my cute new onesie from Nina. Thanks Nina!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


More world domination

Playing with old and new friends

I can really grasp my toys with my fingers now... and grab my own fingers

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tummy time!!

I'm getting stronger but I still don't like it much..

With Eddie the Elephant

My other present from Santa

On my playmat...

With my 'Audrey' name train..

Thank you Marion and Bryan!!

Playing with Flopsy the Bunny

My Christmas gift from Aunt Kristine. Thank you :)

I'm still tiny...

..compared to Daddy's feet

Monday, December 28, 2009

Heading home..

Deep asleep on the plane... I was the only baby who didn't cry!